Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Suffering Souls

Poignant words from Princess Clementine, taken from a letter to her sister Stephanie after visiting their cousin, Leopold III, at Laeken, following Queen Astrid's death. Here is why I will NOT tolerate dismissive, smirking criticism of the King:
Léopold est splendide de résignation chrétienne, quoique totalement anéanti. En arpentant à ses côtés le vieux parc aimé, j'ai pu sonder la beauté de cette âme endolorie. Léopold est le digne fils d'Albert. On retrouve en lui cette noble fierté au sein du malheur. La vue des pauvres enfants fend le coeur. L'aînée est ahurie. Les petits pleurent en appelant leur mère. 
Leopold is splendid with Christian resignation, although totally devastated. As I walked, at his side, through the beloved old park, I was able to sound the beauty of this grieving soul. Leopold is the worthy son of Albert. There is that same noble pride in the bosom of misfortune. The sight of the poor children melts the heart. The eldest is stunned. The little ones weep, calling for their mother. (Clémentine, princesse Napoléon: 1872-1955, Dominique Paoli, 1992, p. 209) 

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