Continuing with the series on the Belgian royals' Luxembourg cousins (please read my previous posts on
Princess Marie-Astrid and
Grand Duke Henri), we come to Prince Jean. He and his twin sister, Princess Margaretha, were born May 15, 1957. Jean has achieved distinction in public life.
In 2009, the Geneva School of Diplomacy awarded him an honorary doctorate: Jean de Nassau studied at Sandhurst and in Geneva and has worked in real estate, in structural finance and in international developments in central Asia, China, the Middle East and Africa. In 2006 he took over WSSA (Water & Sanitation South Africa) and created MEA AQUA, a company specialised in water services and management solutions for Africa and the Middle East. WSSA today employs over 2000 people and is active in South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Mozambique and Zambia. In 2008 the Prince created MEA ENERGIA, dealing mainly with renewable energies; and MEA POWER for more traditional energies. MEA ENERGIA also works with large forest entities such as the Congo Basin. Prince Jean de Luxembourg has earned high regard for his work in environmental protection and in the amelioration of climate change.
Unfortunately, Prince Jean's private life has been troubled. In 1986, upon the birth (out of wedlock) of his daughter, Marie-Gabrielle, he renounced his succession rights. Shortly afterwards, he morganatically married Marie-Gabrielle's mother, a French lawyer named Helene Vestur. The couple had three more children, Constantin, Wenceslas, and Carl-Johan, but, sadly, divorced in 2004. Only six months ago, in Roermond, the Netherlands, Jean re-married (see
HERE and
HERE). His new spouse is Diane de Guerre, daughter of Claude Gaston de Guerre and his second wife, Countess Eugenie Wolff-Metternich. I have to admit I am not thrilled by this whole story.

Can always be used as an object lesson of sorts I suppose. I have tried to convey to others (when royal scandals are raised) that your royal family is like your own family; you love them because they are yours not because you approve of everything they do. Ideally of course royals would set an example for others to follow and embody the very best aspects of their countries. Sometimes it happens, sometimes not but in a republic it would be impossible and is never even attempted yet there are still the scandals to contend with.
True, and it's also unfair to single out royals for all the blame in these matters, at a time when the same patterns (affairs, divorces) are massive trends among the population as a whole.
I've always like Prince Jean despite that he had his first child was born out of wedlock. He has always enjoyed a close relationship with his family and has by all accounts been a good father to his children. He is after all only the second of three Luxembourg prince's impregnated his female friend prior to marriage. It's almost become a family. I don't understand why Louis and Jean just didn't do like Prince Charles and marry their partners before the child was born.
As much as I like Prince Jean I find that the Geneva School of Diplomacy is questionable. I had considered attending there myself until I discovered that it was not accredited.
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