A few portraits of Empress Elisabeth of Austria-Hungary (1837-1898), the aunt and godmother of Queen Elisabeth of Belgium.

Dedicated to the monarchs of Belgium, and other topics of historical, cultural, human, political, and religious interest.
Monsieur le Président du Conseil,Vous avez accusé le roi Léopold d'avoir commis un acte de trahison et de félonie!Pareille injure m'a profondément indignée, et je ne puis taire le ressentiment que cette blessante injustice provoque en moi.Vous l'ignorez sans doute; l'armée belge s'est héroïquement battue aux côtés des admirables soldats français et britanniques.Subissant un sort dont elle n'est pas responsable, encerclée, acculée à la mer, épuisée, elle était arrivée aux dernières limites, quand le Roi, son chef, a donné l'ordre de cesser une résistance affreusement meurtrière, qui n'avait plus d'utilité pour personne.Vous avez affirmé que mon fils traite avec les Allemands.Cette affirmation est fausse, le roi Léopold, qui entend partager le sort de ses officers et de ses soldats, est leur prisonnier.Il subit leur loi.Aucune négotiation n'est en cours.Voilà la vérité!Voilà la vérité que vous connaissez maintenant, et que vous aurez à coeur de faire connaître aux Français- si vous êtes un honnête homme!En opposant le roi Albert au roi Léopold, on porte atteinte à la mémoire de l'un et à l'honneur de l'autre. Comme son père, mon fils a été courageux dans la bataille. Il est digne et loyal dans la défaite.Votre attitude si profondément inique à son égard m'est d'autant plus pénible qu'elle vient d'un Français, parlant au nom de la France, amie de la vérité et de la justice, cette France à laquelle m'unissent tant de liens de sympathie et d'admiration.Recevez, Monsieur le Président du Conseil, l'expression de mes sentiments douloureux.ElisabethMr. President of the Council,You have accused King Leopold of committing an act of treason and felony!Such an insult has deeply outraged me, and I cannot silence the resentment that this wounding injustice provokes in me.You are doubtless unaware that the Belgian army fought heroically beside the admirable French and British soldiers.Enduring a fate for which it was not responsible, encircled, driven back upon the sea, exhausted, it came to end of its resources, whereupon the King, its commander, gave the order to cease a resistance, which was frightfully murderous and of no further use to anyone.You have asserted that my son is negotiating with the Germans.This assertion is false, King Leopold, who intends to share the fate of his officers and soldiers, is their prisoner.He is subject to their law.No negotiation is underway.This is the truth!This is the truth, which you now know, and which you must have at heart to make known to the French- if you are an honest man!By opposing King Albert to King Leopold, you assault the memory of the one and the honor of the other. Like his father, my son was courageous in battle. He is dignified and loyal in defeat.Your attitude - so profoundly unjust - in his regard is all the more painful to me since it comes from a Frenchman, speaking in the name of France, friend of truth and justice, that France to which I am joined by so many ties of sympathy and admiration.Receive, Mr. President of the Council, the expression of my sorrowful sentiments.Elisabeth.
"...J'ai été il y a deux jours, à Louvain, à un concert dans l'aula de l'université. Quinze cents étudiants et étudiantes m'ont reçues aux cris de Léopold. C'était très émouvant. J'ai dit que je te l'écrirais...Je vous embrasse tous avec le coeur si gros de ne pas être avec vous. Je pourrais peut-être venir vous voir plus tard, le printemps, mais je vais te téléphoner plus souvent, au moins entendre ta voix, mon si cher petit Léop.""...Two days ago, I was at Louvain, at a concert in the university hall. Fifteen hundred students, men and women, welcomed me with cries of 'Leopold!' It was very moving. I said to myself I would write to you about it...I kiss you all with a heart that is so heavy not to be with you. I could, perhaps, come to see you later, in the spring, but I will 'phone you more often, at least to hear your voice, my very dear little 'Léop.'"
"Mon cher Léop. Encore une fois je ne serai pas avec toi pour ton anniversaire. Je penserai tant à toi. Quel souvenir! Un des plus beaux de ma vie d'entendre le premier cri du premier enfant. Tu étais si joli et plus tard si beau! Mais cela, tu n'aimes pas qu'on te le dise, ou au moins pas trop crûment. Depuis cela, tant de joies, tant de tristesses!""My dear Léop. Once again I will not be with you for your birthday. I will be thinking of you! What a memory! One of the most beautiful of my life, hearing the first cry of my first child! You were so pretty, and later, so handsome! But you do not like people to say this, or, at least, not too bluntly. Since then, so many joys, so many sorrows!"(recorded by Jean Cleeremans in Léopold III, de l'exil à l'abdication)
Les ouvriers sont prêts...ordre à tous...d'inonder les charbonnages, de s'emparer des hôtels de ville, des maisons communales, des usines, des grands magasins de la réaction. La classe ouvrière aux armes. Il faut tuer le capitalisme en éxecutant tous les réactionnaires, Léopold III en tête. On s'emparera des armes. Imitant 1789 et 1848, on conduira à l'échafaud tous les réactionnaires et que Léopold III et ses descendants n'oublient jamais que dans une révolution populaire les têtes couronnées et leur familles laissent la couronne sur les degrés de l'échafaud. Comme les Romanov et les Bourbons de 1789, Popol de Saxe-Cobourg-Gotha verra un jour tomber sa tête couronnée sous les coups de l'Internationale...Après la grève insurrectionnelle, le peuple considérant qu'il n'a tout de même pas fait couler le sang pour retrouver sur le trône le fils du traître, instaurera définitivement la république populaire et nettoiera tous les rebuts du capitalisme et leurs séides....
The workers are ready...we order all to flood the coal mines, to seize the city halls, the factories, the department stores of the Reaction. To arms, workers! We must kill capitalism, executing all the reactionaries, Leopold III first. We will get weapons. Just as in 1789 and 1848, we will lead to the scaffold all the reactionaries, and may Leopold III and his descendants never forget that, in a popular revolution, crowned heads and their families leave the crown on the steps of the scaffold. Like the Romanovs and the Bourbons of 1789, Popol of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha will one day see his crowned head fall under the blows of the International...After the insurrectional strike, the people, considering that they have not shed blood in order to find the traitor's son on the throne, will install, definitively, a popular republic and will clean up all the capitalist scum and their partisans...
(Recorded in Un royaume pour un amour: Léopold III, de l'exil à l'abdication, by Jean Cleeremans)
La regina mi disse che aveva fatto un sogno. "Era bellissimo, un astronauta veniva a prendermi e mi portava sulla luna. Vedevo i crateri, le distese desertiche dagli strani riflessi...Tutto sembrava così vero, comprese le mie cadute. Non riuscivo a stare in piedi per l'assenza di gravità. E inciampavo di continuo...Poi di ritorno da quel viaggio, incontravo mio fratello Charles e gli raccontavo tutto. Allora lui mi diceva: "Perché ti meravigli? Tu hai sempre vissuto sulla luna!" Poi, però, mi chiedeva il numero di telefono dell'astronauta: "Quasi, quasi ci vado anch'io lassù."
The Queen told me she had had a dream. "It was so beautiful, an astronaut came to take me and brought me to the moon. I saw the craters, the desert wastes, through strange reflections...Everything seemed so real, including my falls. I could not stand on my feet, because of the absence of gravity. And I tripped constantly... Then, on my return from this trip, I met my brother Charles and told him everything. And he said to me: "Why are you amazed? You have always lived on the moon!" But then, he asked me for the astronaut's telephone number. "It just may be that I, too, will go there."
A little-known remnant of the mystical and religious mediaeval past of Brussels, Belgium, dating from approximately the year 1275, still stands today in the middle of the Laeken Cemetery (Cimetière de Laeken - Begraaftplaats van Laken).A place of history and pilgrimages, visions and miracles, this remnant of a great mediaeval church is only a few dozens of metres behind one of the grand sights of Brussels- the relatively new but impressively gothic-styled Our Lady of Laeken Church (Notre-Dame de Laeken - Onze Lieve Vrouw van Laken) with its origins in the 1850s. It is also not far from the palace residence of the Belgian royal family.The origins of the churches in this locale are shrouded in legend and myth.The Laeken neighbourhood is part of modern Brussels, but it is a couple of kilometres north and a little west of the old city centre. When the first city walls were being built around 1000 years ago, the Laeken area would have been a village a number of hundreds of metres beyond those Brussels defensive ramparts.According to legend, the first church on this spot, dates from the personal consecration of the Bishop of Rome, Pope Leo III (c. 750-816, elected pope in 785). Leo III was the same Pope who crowned Charlemagne (c.747-814) to be the new Emperor of a new Western "Holy Roman Empire." Charlemagne's throne was at Aachen in what is now Germany, not far from the modern Belgian border, and thus not very distant from Brussels.It is not known if this legend is correct, that the Pope himself had come to honour this place in the time of Charlemagne. But it is very clear that by about 1000 years ago, this was a place of pilgrimage and religious devotion, focused on Mary the mother of Jesus.Pilgrims and travellers came to pray here. People had religious visions. Miracles were said to take place here. With all the traffic and attention, the early places of prayer gave way to larger construction, until a quite substantial church was built in the later 1200s. What you see here in the photographs, is the portion of the original church that still stands today... (more)
Di mia madre ammiro molte cose: il suo spirito indipendente, l'amore per la cultura, l'abilità con cui, anche avanti negli anni, ha continuato a condurre le sue ricerche storiche. Ma sopratutto ne ho sempre apprezzato la capacità di astrarsi, ossia di andare oltre le gioie e i dispiaceri, i luoghi e le situazioni, per essere sempre se stessa.In my mother, I admire many things: her independent spirit, her love of culture, the ability with which, even in her later years, she continued to conduct her historical research (Marie-José wrote many outstanding works on the history of the house of Savoy). But, above all, I have always appreciated her capacity to abstract herself, to go beyond joys and sorrows, places and situations, to be always herself.(Included in Luciano Regolo's biography of Marie-José, La Regina Incompresa)
L'auteur reste fidèle à la promesse de son titre en deux cents pages d'une belle présentation, il dit l'essentiel, avec une sobriété d'expression qui respecte la grande mémoire de son personnage. De nombreuses photographies, pour la plupart tirées des albums privés du Roi, des reproductions de lettres autographes, une documentation précise puisée aux meilleures sources, donnent à l'ouvrage un ton émouvant d'intimité et de vérité. Le lecteur y trouvera la liste de très beaux exploits sportifs, et aussi des précisions qui ne manqueront pas de le frapper: celle, par exemple, du temps consacré par le Roi à la montagne et à l'entraînement: près d'un mois et demi sur douze dans les cinq dernières années.The author remains faithful to the promise of his title in a beautiful presentation of 200 pages. He says what is essential, with a sobriety of expression which respects the great memory of the person in question. Numerous photographs, taken, for the most part, from the King's private albums, reproductions of handwritten letters, a precise documentation drawn from the best sources, all give the work a moving tone of intimacy and authenticity. The reader will find, here, a list of splendid athletic achievements, and, in addition, details which will not fail to strike him; for instance, the time devoted by the King to mountaineering and training - nearly a month and a half out of every twelve -during his last five years.
... Tita déclare au roi: "Je suis républicain et je le dis franchement." Albert répond: "C'est votre droit." Piaz stupéfait: "Comment, vous êtes roi et vous trouvez que c'est mon droit d'être républicain?" "Oui, parce que chacun a le droit de penser politiquement comme il lui semble le mieux," affirme mon père. Piaz ne s'estimait pas satisfait de cette explication et se lança dans d'acerbes critiques auxquelles le roi, souriant, répondit non sans humour: "Si vous permettez, monsieur Piaz, je connais cette question probablement mieux que vous, étant donné mon métier." Et la conversation se poursuivit amicalement.... Tita declared to the King: "I am a republican, and I say it frankly." Albert answered: "That is your right." Piaz was amazed: "What, you are a King and you think it is my right to be a republican?" "Yes, because everyone has the right to think, in political matters, as seems best to him," my father asserted. But Piaz, dissatisfied with this answer, launched into bitter critiques to which the King, smiling, replied, not without humor: "If you will forgive me, Mr. Piaz, I probably know this question better than you do, given my profession." And the conversation continued amicably.
One afternoon, Astrid and I were drinking coffee in front of a mountain hut... It was our last stop before returning to the village where we had left the car.
I believe it was the 18th of August. The weather had suddenly changed, and the cold gave us the impression that it was October. The clouds had suddenly gathered around the hut and we could see no further than a metre ahead; it was grim, and both of us were suffering slightly from altitude sickness... We wanted to return to civilization, we had had enough of the mountains.
Astrid was not completely herself; she seemed serious and was not in a mood to joke. I remember a few snatches of our conversation.
"Do you understand I am often terribly afraid that something will happen to Leopold, and that I will be left alone with the children?"
I understood her very well, but I realized that it would be impossible to persuade him to give up this sport, which, although dangerous, was so important for his well-being.
"Also, Annisen, you do not realize how much I fear, at times, that I will die. It would be even worse for the children, and terrible for Leopold. My dear, can you promise me something?"
"What is that?"
"If I die while the children are still little, will you look after Joe-Joe (her daughter, Princess Josephine-Charlotte)?"
"We have to pull ourselves together, dear. With this bad weather, we are not quite ourselves and that is the reason why you are thinking of horrible things. Why should anything happen to you...?"
"I am serious. Look after Joe, promise me."
"No, my dear, right now we must be reasonable. How could I come and say: 'I promised Astrid that I would take care of Joe in my apartment at Västerås...It is not realistic! Please, do not ask me to make this promise. Chase away these black thoughts."
"But I promised I would look after my god-daughter, Christina, if something happened to you," she answered, trying to smile.
"That is a completely different matter, and very kind of you. It is reassuring to know you will look after her."
That was the end of the conversation, but her melancholy persisted until we entered the car. Ten days later, she was dead.